About the Journal
Focus and Scope
TheMA is a peer-reviewed open-access research journal dedicated to the history of performing and visual arts. It is published biannually by Hollitzer Wissenschaftsverlag in cooperation with Don Juan Archiv Wien, a non-governmental study centre for the history of theatre and culture in general, and Studium Fæsulanum, a non-governmental research centre dedicated primarily to the artistic and intellectual relevance of Central Tuscany around Florence and her Etruscan ‘mother’ Fiesole in the history of culture, the home of the first ‘villa’ of modern times and the birthplace of what we know as ‘opera’.
TheMA specializes in the critical and trans-disciplinary historical study of artistic production and reception in various artistic genres including literature, theatre, music, painting, sculpture, and architecture. While Middle, Central and Mediterranean Europe before 1900 is TheMA’s principal area of focus, it welcomes contributions on other regions or periods. The journal’s editors are particularly interested in research that disregards the traditional borders between the various specializations within the Humanities and Social Sciences in favour of a holistic approach to the study of cultural phenomena. TheMA also invites critical contributions themed on regions (such as Europe’s eastern half and adjacent territories in western Asia), which until now have been marginalized in international academic discourse.
TheMA publishes scholarly texts in three formats: research articles (min. 4000 words), notes (max. 2000 words), and reviews (max. 2000 words). The ample use of illustrations is encouraged. TheMA texts are published in English, with possible guest editions in German, Italian, Spanish and French. Prospective contributors are encouraged to submit abstracts of their papers to the editorial staff, which comply with the formal requirements as stated in the guidelines. One of the two issues published annually will be dedicated to a pre-selected theme. TheMA may also be approached with ideas and concepts for special issues by prospective guest editors.
Peer review process
All submissions to TheMA that are judged relevant to the journal's aims and scope by the editors will be peer reviewed by scholars specialized in closely related areas of research. Contributors will be notified within two weeks of submission of their article if it was forwarded for peer review. If so, the authors will have a final decision from the editors within two months of the date of submission.
Open access Policy
TheMA is committed to the principle of open access, providing immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Advisory Board - Theatre
Ulf Birbaumer, University of Vienna ulf.birbaumer@univie.ac.at
Aysin Candan, Yeditepe University, Istanbul candanay@gmail.com
Wolfgang Greisenegger, University of Vienna wolfgang.greisenegger@unvie.ac.at
Hilde Haider-Pregler, University of Vienna hilde.haider@univie.ac.at
Bent Holm, University of Copenhagen bhl@post.cybercity.dk
Francoise Lavocat, Université Paris III francoise.lavocat@univ-paris3.fr
Marion Linhardt, University of Bayreuth marion.linhardt@uni-bayreuth.de
Cesare Molinari, University of Florence cesamo@tin.it
Walter Puchner, University of Athens wpochn@theatre.uoa.gr
Advisory Board - Music / Musical Theatre
Antonio Baldassarre, antonio.baldassarre@hslu.ch
Bruce Allan Brown, University of Southern California, Los Angeles brucebro@usc.edu
Michele Calella, University of Vienna michele.calella@univie.ac.at
Gernot Gruber, Austrian Academy of Sciences gernot.gruber@oeaw.ac.at
Matthew Head, Kings College London matthew.head@kcl.ac.uk
Thomas Hochradner, Thomas.hochradner@moz.ac.at
Edmund Goehring, University of Western Ontario, London / Canada egoehrin@uwo.ca
Tatjana Marković, Austrian Academy of Sciences tatjana.markovic@oeaw.ac.at
Martin Nedbal, University of Arkansas mnedbal@uark.edu
Ian Woodfield, Queens University, Belfast i.woodfield@qub.ac.uk
Advisory Board - History
Robert Pfaller, University of Applied Arts Vienna robert.pfaller@uni-ak.ac.at
Otto Pfersmann, otto.pfersmann@univ-paris1.fr
Philipp Ther, University of Vienna Philipp.ther@univie.ac.at
Larry Wolff, New York University lw59@nyu.edu
Advisory Board - Art History
Maximilian Hartmuth, University of Vienna melange@gmx.at
Zeynep İnankur, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul zinankur@gmail.com
İlber Ortaylı, Galatasaray University, Istanbul selinipek@hotmail.com
Mailing Address:
Verlagsort, Herausgeber und Redaktionsadresse:
Hollitzer Wissenschaftsverlag
Trautsongasse 6/6
1080 Wien
Hollitzer Wissenschaftsverlag,
eine Abteilung der
Hollitzer Baustoffwerke Graz GmbH
Firmensitz und Geschäftsanschrift:
Hollitzer Baustoffwerke Graz Gmbh
Stadiongasse 6-8, A-1010 Wien
Firmenbuch FN 121427w HG Wien
Dr. Tatjana Marković
Ladislav Molnár
Gesellschafter / Beteiligungen:
Gesellschafter der Hollitzer Baustoffwerke Graz Gmbh ist zu 100 % Dr. Hans Ernst Weidinger
Erklärung über die grundlegende Richtung:
TheMA ist das Open-Access Research Journal für die Geschichte der darstellenden Künste und Kunstgeschichte.
Impressum und Offenlegung gemäß §24, 25 Mediengesetz (MedG) für die Online-Ausgabe des Journals TheMA - Open Access Research Journal for Theatre, Music, Arts
Principal Contact
Managing Editor
c/o Hollitzer Verlag
Trautsongasse 6/6
A-1080 WienPhone: 0043-1-23656054
Email: office@hollitzer.at
Support Contact
Phone: 0043-1-23656054
Email: office@hollitzer.at
ISSN: 2305-9672